Receive 100 loyalty points every 24 hours after a one-time deposit of ₹3,000. Just log in daily to collect more loyalty points and watch your rewards grow.
How to Earn & Redeem:
Deposit ₹3,000 to activate the Loyalty Pot.
Login daily to earn 100 points every 24 hours.
Collect up to 25,000 points to convert them into ₹500 cash every day!
Terms & Conditions:
The Loyalty Pot activates only after a successful one-time deposit of ₹3,000.
Points are credited every 24 hours upon login.
Users must log in daily to claim the points.
25,000 points = ₹500 cash conversion.
Unclaimed points will not roll over to subsequent days.
Offer valid for active players only; inactivity for 7 days may result in cancellation.
Max player can withdraw with the promotion is 5X, Rest will be void.
The platform reserves the right to modify or cancel the offer at any time without prior notice.
Start collecting your loyalty points now and make every day rewarding!
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Customer Support
The best part about playing online casino in India at Baazi247 is the 24/7 customer support. Whenever you have any queries, you can reach out to get them and enjoy playing fun-filled games in the exciting casino world.